paper supplier directory
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Paperitalo Store

We have several supplier directory listing options available. 


Featured Listings

A featured listing includes top category search results, at least three category placings, company logo, a detailed description of your products and services, contact information, plus includes an ad at the top of the categories chosen and is included in our Supplier Showcase. Price: $975 per year.

Choice Listing

A choice listing includes higher category search results (after featured listings), three category placements, a detailed description of your products and services, company logo and contact information. Price: $450 per year.

Basic Listing

A basic listing allows for a company logo, website link and one category placement. Price: $150 per year.


Enhanced Video and Photo Options

Upload an enhanced video and/or photo of your products and/or services to be included in your listing. Price: $50 per photo; $150 per video, per year. 


You can purchase a Basic Supplier Directory Listing online by clicking here or order at the top of the page. If you are interested in purchasing a Featured, Choice or a Video and Photo Enhanced Listing, please click here to contact us and we will be in touch to complete your order and set up your listing for you.